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Week 24: Cyber Self

24 - A Wonderful Moment
00:00 / 04:20




This week,  we are continuing our focus on intentional breathing with a meditative poem by Buddhist monk, Thich Nhat Hanh. In this practice, we assign words to every inhale and exhale to bring awareness to our breathing and the present moment. 




People have been talking about the problem of climate injustice for decades but young activists are giving it new momentum (e.g., Xiye Bastida, Greta Thunberg, and others). 


"It has undoubtedly changed the agenda," says Ashden, Harriet Lamb of the climate solutions charity.


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Leave a comment with your answers to the following questions:  (1) How can we stay safe on social media? (2) What are healthy ways to use social media? 

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